Work for us
Throughout the year Soviet Wastelands periodically require staff. If you feel you have what it takes to join the Soviet Wastelands team, simply contact us with a cover letter, your CV, and the position you are applying for. Positions are offered when available, so send us an email and we’ll be in touch!
Full-time Staff
Full-time staff are required to work in the office on sales and administration, and where necessary, guide tours to different locations. The nature of the job requires you to have excellent self-management and great customer service skills. This position tends to be highly over-subscribed, so we encourage you to send your CV for our consideration when a position becomes available.
Freelance Guides
As our tour volume increases, so does our need for experienced and qualified guides. If you have guiding experience, would like to work with Soviet Wastelands, and ideally have knowledge and experience in at least one country we visit and even its language, send us your resume.